How can I live better in 2021?
Self-improvement is a personal choice that doesn’t have to take a long extent of time to see results. In fact, a small shift in daily habits can dramatically change your life overnight.
Change occurs when we decide to make better lifestyle choices.
The 21/90 rule states it takes approximately 21 straight days to form a habit and 90 days to make it a permanent lifestyle change.
Whether it’s the beginning of the year, mid-year, or year’s end, you have complete control over how and when you would like to become a better version of you.
Personal development takes place as we grow and mature through life, but what sets exceptional people apart from the masses is their effort to practice healthy living habits right now.
We’ll always have room for self-improvement in our lives. However, creating new daily habits and routines we can commit to – will ultimately determine how quickly we see the change we seek.
So, are you ready to glow up your life this year?
Do you want to change your mindset? Feel more confident when you look in the mirror? Or experience success in your business or professional career?
If so, follow these 30 simple daily habits to glow up your life over the next ninety days!
What can I do everyday to improve my life?

- Rise early
Cease the day and stop hitting that alarm clock.
Schedule a set time you wake up every morning and your body’s internal clock will wake you up naturally with repetition. You can make more use of your time with more hours to work with instead of sleeping the day away.
If you have to report to work by 9AM and awake at 6AM, how many daily activities can you fit in within those three hours? A quick fitness routine, a journaling exercise, or meditation – just to name a few.
Early risers experience the benefits of improved sleeping patterns, less distractions, more energy, and cognitive abilities that enable them to perform better academically and professionally compared to late risers.
According to Forbes, early risers are also more proactive, better planners, and highly skilled at problem solving.
- Eat well balanced meals
A common bad habit is picking the wrong foods to fuel our bodies in the morning. I’d encourage anyone to meal prep and stay far away from the frozen food aisle. Eating processed foods for breakfast, lunch, and dinner is never a good idea.
A well-balanced diet includes daily meals from the following food groups:
- fruits
- vegetables
- grains
- dairy
- protein foods
Watch what you eat and prep your meals for a healthier new you!
- Schedule every minute of your day
Logging what you do every minute of the day is a great way to see where your daily and weekly planning can improve. Time-blocking is a strategy that can boost your productivity almost instantly. It allows you to schedule your time by grouping similar tasks, which helps us to focus in return.
We often don’t realize how much time we let slip away watching TV, listening to music, or scrolling on social media. When every minute of your day is scheduled you have more control and power over what activities you participate in.

- Move your body for 30 minutes
Move for at least 30-minutes when you awake every morning and your body will thank you for it. I’ll admit this is one of the daily habits I struggle with most. There aren’t too many people that absolutely love exercise, and I’m definitely not one of them.
I resolve this issue by finding a quick ten minute workout on Youtube and follow it up with a 15-minute stretching routine. I feel a surge of energy directly afterwards.
If traditional exercise isn’t your thing, you can create a steps count goal to reach, ride a bike, or pick up a hoola-hoop. As long as you get your heart rate up and pumping you should be good to go!
- Stay hydrated!
Drinking water should be the first thing you do every morning. I keep a fresh bottle of water next to my desk every night for this very reason. If you’d like to alkalinize it with lemon or lime that’s even better. Keeping the water at room temperature is best.
Daily hydration improves sleep quality, cognition, and mood.
Other benefits of drinking water throughout the day:
- Enhances short term memory
- Improves attention and focus
- Increases physical performance
A gallon of water a day is good daily habit to adopt for a youthful appearance and maximizing your energy.
- Energize with nutrients
The way in which we replenish our body with nutrients will look different for everyone. Depending on where you live, what you eat, and personal health, we can all use an extra dose of nutrients to make up for what we’re lacking.
There are various ways to supplement our bodies with nutrients we can’t produce by juicing, drinking smoothies, and taking vitamins. I try to drink at least 2-3 smoothies a week that are high in fiber, fats, protein, and minerals. Essential nutrients are vital for disease prevention, growth, and good health.

- Follow a body and skincare routine
Skin is the largest organ of the human body and serves as the first barrier of protection to our internal organs. It needs to be kept nourished, exfoliated, and hydrated as well.
Body brushing is a great technique to use to get rid of dead skin cells and keep the body’s blood flow circulating as well. Brushing decreases the visibility of stubborn cellulite we all deal with as women.
Regularly exfoliating in the shower helps to keep the skin smooth and moisturized and I use natural body butters and oils to lock in all of its benefits. As we age, our skin’s elasticity and vibrance changes.
I noticed a significant difference in my appearance when I made facial cleansing, exfoliation, and moisturizing a part of my daily skincare routine. My face was brighter, smoother, and my pores were shrunken in size. Beauty doesn’t have to fade as long as you get in the practice of treating yourself to a little T-L-C every now and then.
- Write in a dream journal
At the beginning of the year, we start off with so many dreams and aspirations we would like to see come to fruition, but lose sight of what we really want overtime. A dream journal captures everything we’ve ever wanted or desired in life on paper.
Write down your vision and goals for the year so that you can revisit them daily to track your progress towards them.
- Listen to motivational podcasts
Podcasts and audiobooks are not a trend they are actually here to stay! What I love most about long drives in traffic or long walks in the park is catching up on my favorite podcasts rather than listening to music.
Why not learn something in your spare time or during the commute home? Listening to podcasts are fun, educational, and easy to consume. This is one of the simple daily habits that will make your life better.
As a blogger and entrepreneur, I love learning from the many different perspectives of professionals and influencers in my field. There are a myriad of motivational podcasts that can serve as a source of weekly encouragement, assist with productivity, and personal development.
No matter what your interests may be, there is a podcast for practically everything you need more information on; how to start a business, historical events, or simply learning a new tool, craft, or real estate!
Put your headphones on in your spare time while these podcasters take you straight to school for free.
- No social media before bed
Don’t let what you see in social media land be the last thing on your mind before bed.
This is a bad habit we all need to break in both our morning and evening routines. Our first instinct while laying in bed is to pick up the phone. Let’s stop doing this and make a habit of picking up a book or a nighttime journal to reflect on our thoughts and overall day instead.

- Get out in nature
There’s nothing like taking a midday walk outside for a breath of fresh air. Hearing the birds chirp and getting some Vitamin D from the sun beaming down on your face.
Doing so, can instantly uplift your mood, reduce stress, and release endorphins from the additional exercise. If you’re ever feeling overwhelmed or tense in your body, step away from the desk and take a break outside. Incorporate this into your daily habits and you’ll see the difference.
- Put on cute, comfy clothes
Practice dressing up putting on makeup, and styling your hair to feel a boost of self-confidence daily. The way we look and present ourselves to the world reflects who we are and how we feel. Once the sun is up, put the pajamas away. Not only will you feel better, but you’ll perform better too.
- Don’t over plan your day
Slow down. Try not to measure the success of your day based on productivity. The overzealous to-do list is where many of us go wrong. We jot down ten things we’d like to accomplish at work, at home, and personal tasks forgetting we only have 24-hours in a day.
Follow a to-do list strategy (there are plenty out there) that will allow you to prioritize your time. Select three non-negotiables and complete them during the time of day you’re most productive.
- Ignore your phone
The greatest distraction of all time is that small, smart gadget that rests perfectly in the palm of our hands. You know the one we can’t stop staring at all day? …Yes, that one. Put your phone on silent and hide it in a separate room, if that’s what it takes to stay focused. Make this one of the daily habits you eliminate immediately.
You’d be surprised how much work we can get done if we’d designate a time on our hectic schedule to specifically respond to text, talk to our loved ones, and browse social media.

- Tidy up
Keep your space clear and clean. As basic as this habit may sound it can truly make a difference in how you perform, think, and ultimately, free up more time for you to focus on important things.
Make up your bed. Clean the bathroom sink. Wash the dishes. And if you work from home like me, keep your living spaces and work desk clear. This helps with decluttering your mind and staying focused.
- Schedule frequent breaks
Buffering time is real you guys. Don’t try to plow through your mornings and afternoon without taking a few breathers. Our brain is like a Duracell battery, it has to recharge frequently. To perform at your best, take a 15-minute break between every hour and don’t skip lunch.
- Cook from home
Cooking meals at home instead of eating out or waiting in the fast food line should be your first step to a healthier diet and fit body.
If losing weight is one of your intentional goals this year, adopt this as a daily habit and you’ll see results in no time.
After eating home-cooked meals for years, I consumed less sugar and developed an intolerance for processed foods, which was a blessing in disguise. Take a 30 day fast from your favorite restaurant. Your body and your wallet will thank you later.
- Read more books
At the beginning of every year, I select a number of books I’d like to read. Non-fiction and fiction. We don’t have to take a long drawn out course or sit in a classroom to pick up a new skill or gain more knowledge on a certain topic. There’s so much more we can learn simply by flipping the pages. Determine a reading goal that works for your schedule or join a book club where the members will keep you accountable.

- Go to bed early
Create a bedtime routine that enables you to be in bed before 10pm. Setting a bedtime and sticking to it keeps our circadian rhythm in check. It trains our bodies to naturally awake and sleep at a certain time, which results in a better quality sleep and less daytime sleepiness as well. Going to bed earlier also contributes to a stronger immune system, controls weight gain, prevents diseases, and boosts energy levels.
- Join a community
Comradery, relationships, and friendships all contribute to a thriving social life, which many of us often neglect. As we age it becomes a little harder for us to form deeper, meaningful connections outside of our immediate families and established social circles.
Sometimes, we need to step outside of our comfort zones to meet new people in order to grow personally and professionally.
Networking for a job isn’t very hard as long as you attend events and participate in professional development opportunities. But, what do you do if you’re looking to make new friends?
Well, the easiest way is to find out where others with the same interests as you hang out. Volunteer at different organizations, join a book club, try online membership groups, or meet new people through church or mutual friends.
- Take up a hobby
There are times when we just need to tap into our creativity and find an outlet that allows us to relax and live in the moment. Writing, crocheting, taking up yoga, or learning how to cook are all hobbies we can participate in during our leisure.
Life doesn’t always have to be about work and it shouldn’t be. Keep your mind active and those creative juices flowing.
- Sign up for a new experience
One of my favorite past times is traveling domestically and overseas to sight see and experience new cultures across the globe. But participating in a new experience doesn’t have to be extravagant. I love visiting new restaurants, pop-up shops, expositions, and festivals in the local area. Sometimes, a new experience can be right in your backyard, you’ll never know unless you look for it.

- Learn a new skill
Become a lifelong learner to stay abreast of new trends and skills in your respective field. You definitely want to stay competitive in the workforce, but enrolling in a course or two to learn something new never hurt either. A broader skill set will always be an asset. Browse through Skillshare or Teachable for online courses that may interest you.
- Socialize with family and friends
Love up on those who show up for you daily and don’t take them for granted. Make sure you’re designating time for family and friends in your weekly activities. Be a shoulder to lean on during hard times and check-in with elders you don’t see very often. Relationships and friendships have to be fostered, which requires us to put in the time and work if we expect the same love and support in return.
- Radiate positivity
Who wants to be around Debbie Downer all day? I sure don’t! The energy we radiate can be felt by everyone around us. You get back whatever you put out into the universe.
Why not be positive? Be the energy you want to attract into your life. Practice speaking things into existence and viewing things with a glass half full perspective.
- Recite affirmations
Remind yourself how amazing, powerful, intelligent, and beautiful you are daily by reciting or writing down affirmations. Most planners and journals include daily and weekly spreads that incorporate gratitude and positive quotes. You can even create a personal Pinterest board with tons of quotes you can read aloud and reflect on in the morning.

- Declutter your home
Any old things you’re still hoarding in your home that you no longer have use for, discard them. Living in a cluttered space leads to a cluttered mind. Even if it’s room-by-room, clear your home of anything that no longer brings you value. It’s time to glow up your life and your home with a brand new slate. Add decluttering and organizing to your list of daily habits today!
- Detox your life
Can we say no to toxic friends, toxic relationships, and toxic workplaces?
Let’s face it, sometimes our lives just need a cleanse. Keep friends who are supportive and genuinely want the best for you and limit contact with those frenemies who don’t.
Relationships should add something to your life, not hinder personal and spiritual growth. Putting a smile instead of a frown on your face when you see them is an added bonus, too. If your job causes you more stress than you can handle, start searching for new opportunities. Life is too short to suffer from toxicity.
- Create a self-care checklist
On the days when you’re not ‘feeling it’ refer to a self-care checklist. What are some things or activities that you find relaxing? Long, hot baths, lighting an aromatherapy candle, and reading are my go-to’s when I’m not feeling my best. Create a checklist and stick it on the wall for daily use.
- Focus on you
Imposter Syndrome. Comparison is the thief of joy, I swear. Seriously, we’ve all been there. Measuring our success based on what we watch on television or see on social media is self-sabotage at best. The only way to combat this is to keep your eyes on your own paper and stay in your lane. Yes, it’s easier said than done, but clicking to another channel or only following accounts on social media that inspire you helps.

- Live in the moment
Have you ever just taken the time out of your day to simply do nothing? Or basque in the moment when you’re spending quality time with friends or family? Time is the greatest gift anyone could give, especially when we’re spending it with people we love the most. It’s so valuable we can never get it back, so practice living in the moment. Don’t take it for granted!
- Go on an adventure
Dare to be different and take the road less traveled. Challenge yourself more often and do things you may not normally do. It’s okay to live a little. I always wanted to go hiking and my first time doing so was in a place I’d never imagined in a small mountain village in Positano, Italy. Oh, all the places you’ll go if you only decide to take the initial step. Your daily habits will bring out the best in you. Remember we only live once.
- Kick fear to the curb
Be fearless and go after your dreams. Take small action steps towards your goals each day by reserving 1-2 hours out of your hectic schedule to work on what sets your soul on fire.
30 Day Glow Up Challenge
Follow these 33 small daily habits to improve your life over the next 30 days. Once you’ve formed a few daily habits continue for another two months to see the change.
This is a journey that takes time. It won’t happen overnight. Only you can decide what the glowed up version of yourself looks like.
You have to put in the internal work to shift your belief system and attract what you desire into your life. Create a vision board to get a clear depiction of where you would like to be in the near future.
Becoming the best version of yourself comes down to your mindset and the daily habits you do everyday. There will be plenty of ups and downs, so show yourself grace and compassion. Work towards one goal, cross it off, then move on to the next.
Download the 31 Day Simple Living Challenge to improve your life today! Now available in the FREE RESOURCE LIBRARY!
I teach entrepreneurs how to simplify their life and business with less + own their time and maximize productivity towards their personal and monetary goals.
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