Are you ready to make a lifestyle change but don’t know where to start? Well, forming 100 good habits that align with your goals will undoubtedly change your life.
In this post, I’ll be sharing 100 good habits that you can adopt in your daily routines to improve your mental and physical health, and progress towards your personal and professional endeavors.

Why is it important to form daily habits?
A life with no direction or goals is a total waste. People who wake up every morning with no plan are more susceptible to anxiety, depression, and stress. While others who live intentionally benefit from better mental and physical health.
Too much idle time on your hands can lead to unhealthy habit formation. Without goals or a vision ahead of you, you can get too caught up in the here and now.
You shouldn’t be willing to take whatever the day throws at you. It’s one of the primary ways you can waste invaluable time – the one thing none of us can ever get back.
Developing good habits is important because they’re at the forefront of creating daily routines.
Think about it. Highly productive and successful people all share one thing in common:
They formed their habits around their responsibilities and lifestyle choices.
Morning and evening routines, fitness routines, self-care routines, cleaning routines, and wellness routines are all embedded into the daily schedules of people around the world.
Even animals follow daily routines and don’t wake up without a plan to hunt and store food for the upcoming season.
Humans could learn a thing or two from animals and nature about healthy habit formation, just a little food for thought.
Daily habits help with pushing the needle in businesses, achieving goals, taking care of our bodies, and becoming better people overall.
If you need a list of daily habit ideas, then look no further. You’re in the right spot!
How to develop 100 good habits?
I always knew that it took 90 days to break a bad habit, but I wasn’t aware of the 21/90 rule.
The 21/90 rule addresses how long it takes to form a habit and make it a permanent lifestyle change.
Only 21 days to form a habit is insane! Imagine hyper focusing on a list of good habits, following them religiously, and they become a part of your daily routine in less than 30 days?
I think the 21/90 rule is a great way to develop 100 daily habits. Gradually remove the bad habits and replace them with new ones.
A lifestyle change is a marathon, not a sprint. We have to practice patience, discipline, and embrace the process.
If I could recommend one book on habit formation, it would definitely be Atomic Habits by James Clear. You won’t regret the purchase, I promise you’ll read it 10 times over.

20 good habits for daily productivity
1.Get some vitamin D.
The sun energizes the body. Stand in front of the window, sunbathe, or go out for a morning walk to soak up all the vitamins it has to give.
2. Replace your morning coffee with herbal teas.
Herbal teas have more health benefits than a high calorie, sugar rush latté from Starbucks. They can wake you up in the morning and provide you with vitamins and nutrients, too.
3. Wake up earlier.
Add some extra time to your day to complete important tasks.
4. Stop the scroll.
Set your gadgets and phones in another room so it’s not the first thing you pick up to distract you from a productive day.
5. Follow a morning routine.
One of the best daily habits to improve life is creating a morning routine that’s easy to follow. Try following it for the next 30 days to boost your productivity as well as improve your physical and mental health.
6. Respond to journal prompts.
A fun way to start your day and get your mind motivated to take on the day is by responding to creative journaling prompts.
7. Breath exercises.
Complete a five-minute box breathing technique to clear your mind and remove any stress and anxiety.
8. Listen to one episode of an inspirational podcast.
Sometimes we need a little motivation throughout the day to help us stay focused and keep going. This is also helpful for people who don’t prefer to work in quiet environments.
9. Move your body each hour.
This doesn’t have to be a full-blown workout, but it could be a brief walk outside or around your home; stretching, squats, or hopping on the elliptical machine for 10-15 minutes. Increasing the amount of blood flow will keep your body and brain moving.
10. Time block your schedule.
Keeping your mind focused on similar tasks will help you accomplish much more. Don’t over exert your brain by frequently switching in between projects on your list. You can learn more about time blocking strategies here. You can also download the free time blocking schedule below.
Click here to download the Time Blocking Schedule template for FREE!
11. Consume brain food.
In order to maintain a high energy level, we need to nourish our bodies with plenty of fruit, vegetables, and tons of water throughout the day. Refrain from eating processed foods that make you feel sluggish and tired.
12. Create a list.
Outline your top priorities for the day and place it on your office desk or refrigerator where it’s visible. Focus on completing at least 2-3 tasks and move any additional items over to the next day.
13. Use focus apps.
The internet has millions of distractions that can prevent us from meeting our daily goals. I used to have a bad habit of opening one too many tabs on my laptop that inhibited my ability to focus. Now they have timed apps that will help me with reaching my goal.
14. Starve your distractions.
What inhibits your daily productivity? Is it your phone? Being at the beck and call of others? Netflix? Disorganization? Assess what’s preventing you from checking the tasks off your list and make necessary adjustments.
15. Set boundaries around your personal time.
Your time is valuable and precious and others should treat it as such. Reserve time in your day to focus. Put ‘do not disturb’ on your phone and let your family know when you will be unavailable for a few hours in the morning or evening.
16. Practice self-discipline.
There needs to be a level of accountability you have for yourself each day. Don’t disregard your routines, sleep in, eat junk food all day, and accept every task thrown your way that’s not on your to-do list.
17. Reward yourself.
There will be days where you knock things out of the park and many days where you fall short of what you wanted to accomplish. That’s okay. Rather than dwelling on what you didn’t finish, reward yourself for every win. Keep personal rewards in mind as you create your own list of 100 good habits.
18. Drink more water.
This may seem like a simple decision, but some people don’t crave H2O often enough to quench their thirst. They’ll opt for smoothies, fruit juices, coffee and teas, but none of these drinks fuel our bodies with energy like water. If you need to throw in some lemon, mint, or strawberries to add a bit more flavor, don’t be afraid to do so. Fun water bottles that keep your water cool throughout the day will also motivate you to re-energize and meet your hydration goals.
19. Get more rest.
Adding time to your day to get more things done is great, but you’ll have to sacrifice your evening by setting an earlier bedtime. More rest can cause a significant increase in productivity. Try going to bed early the night before to see how rejuvenated you’ll feel in the morning to get your day started. This should definitely be included in the top ten range of the 100 good habits you plan to develop in 90 days.
20. Avoid negativity.
Take caution with the information you take in. A negative message or disagreement can easily put a damper on your day. Recite positive daily affirmations that will help you overcome daily obstacles.

50 good habits for wellness
1. Spend time with God.
Through prayer or meditation, you can release your thoughts, concerns, or gratitude any time of the day. Take a few minutes out of your morning or evening to hear a word from the most high and be still.
2. Ground yourself in nature.
Earthing promotes a better well-being and healing by increasing energy, improving blood flow, reducing stress levels and physical pain. You can engage in “grounding” by simply walking barefoot around your yard to make physical contact with the Earth. It’s one of the best 100 good habits I’d recommend anyone to add to their list.
3. Read your daily horoscope.
4. Recite positive affirmations.
On your way to work, during your self-care breaks, or any time you encounter conflict, remind yourself how awesome you are.
5. Reset as often as you need to.
Life can be a lot to handle. Every day isn’t always going to go as planned. When you experience adversity, scrap the to-do list and check in with yourself instead. Nurture your soul as much as possible.
6. Listen to your favorite sermon or public figure for a dose of inspiration.
7. Seek spiritual guidance from a counselor, family member, or church leader.
8. Read non-fiction literature that deepens your knowledge of spirituality.
9. Take a yoga class.
10. Express gratitude.
Before you allow your mind to spiral out of control about the things you don’t have but want, take a moment to reflect on what you have. Fresh air to breathe, a roof over your head, and food to eat are luxuries for many people across the globe. You can also express gratitude by helping others around you.
1. Commit to moving your body each day.
You don’t have to go to the gym to be fit. Try picking up a physical activity for leisure. Jumping rope, a barre class, pilates, cycling, or swimming are all hobbies you can pick up to get your body back in shape.
2. Be intentional in your diet.
Purchase higher quality foods. Food costs more and more each year, but in order to have a rich, healthy diet, you may have to pay the price. This doesn’t mean going out to eat more at expensive restaurants. Develop nutritious eating habits that your body will thank you for. Within the next 90 days, include more fruits, more vegetables, water, herbal teas, and tasty plant-based meals that are prepared in your kitchen with love on your list of 100 good habits.
3. Love your imperfections.
There’s so much propaganda out there to tweak every flaw on our faces and bodies. Multi-million dollar beauty brands often push miracle products that will reverse the signs of aging. We spend thousands of dollars each year on makeup and skincare products that we don’t really need. What if we simply loved and accepted our flaws? You don’t need overpriced products and risky surgeries to glow up, goal friends. Making sure loving on yourself more is added to the 100 good habits you plan to adopt.
4. Use a food journal.
For those who suffer from food allergies or a weakened immune system, keeping track of the food you eat will help you get to the root cause.
5. Track your steps.
Every step counts with burning calories. You can use a Fitbit, Apple watch, Pedometer or any weight loss apps on your phone.
6. Create a weekly fitness routine.
Assign specific days you’ll dedicate to a cardio workout. You can select different problem areas of your body you’d like to focus on and for how long. Post your workout schedule in a living space in your home where you can always see it.
7. Get a trainer or accountability partner.
Sticking with your fitness routine may be difficult at the beginning. If you want to go far on your fitness journey, take a partner along with you. Investing in a trainer or getting a friend to complete fitness challenges with you may just be the motivation you need.

8. Shift your mindset.
Reflect on how you’d like to feel each day and train your mind to get in sync with meeting your fitness goals. The more you make a habit out of working out, your body will reward you for it. Your brain will be sharper, you’ll have more energy throughout the day, and you’ll feel and look better, too. Developing an abundant mindset should be one of the top 100 good habits you plan to form overtime.
9. Get 8 hours of sleep.
I know you’re probably thinking about what’s significant about 8 hours of rest each night. Well, women need more hours of sleep than men. The recommended hours of sleep are 8-10 for our bodies to rejuvenate and heal.
10. Eat for your blood type.
11. Follow a plant-based diet.
12. Stretch15 minutes per day.
Stiff joints and body aches will increase with age. We can get ahead of it by stretching every morning before and after a workout, or completing a 5-minute stretch video on YouTube right before bed.
13. Consume healthier content.
You don’t know what you don’t know. After stumbling across some amazing vegan and plant-based content creators on Youtube and Instagram with all their deliciously healthy recipes, I began to search for more information on ways to eat whole foods. Their dishes were advertising and the information they shared about poor eating habits was invaluable.
14. Support your local Farmer’s Market.
While they are typically seasonal in colder climates, there are places that have farmer’s markets year-round. Cooking with vegetables and fruit sourced and grown directly from farms is unmatched. Farm-to-table products have less chemical and pesticides that take away from the quality of the food.
15. Set body goals.
Is there a certain shape or way you’d like your physique to look? Don’t reinvent the wheel. Find some body inspiration and follow their blueprint.
16. Grow your own food.
If you love gardening, have aspirations to live on a farm, or have your own homestead one day, consider growing your own fruits and vegetables right in your backyard. Your body will love it and your family will, too.
17. Join a fitness club or sports team.
18. Take part in fitness challenges at work, church, and school.
19. Remove alcohol from your diet or simply drink on special occasions only.
20. Stop smoking.
21. Don’t buy snacks for your household.
Replace them with fruit or homemade nutritious snacks that include healthier fruits, seeds, and proteins.
22. Just say no to dairy (eggs, cheese, and milk). Try coconut milk if you absolutely crave it.
23. Ditch all fast-food restaurants (yes, Chick-fil-A too!)
24. Do a juicing cleanse at least once a month to reset.
25. Take vitamins to supplement what your body is lacking.
26. Visit the doctor for your yearly checkup at least twice a year.
27. Research holistic health and wellness strategies.
Doctors are great, but someone trained them to treat the symptoms of illnesses and underlying diseases, not the root cause. It’s important to educate ourselves about health and healing, so that we are fully aware of the options available to us, which may be less harmful than traditional medicine practices.
28. Change your environment.
Maybe a hindrance to meeting your weight loss goals is the weather or household you live in. If you’re the only vegan in your family or in your friend group, practicing healthier eating habits can be difficult when you’re tempted to eat meat or dine-out all the time.
Cold weather climates can be demotivating to get out in nature, wake up early, or get enough sunlight for some extra vitamin D. Don’t be afraid to take a trip to a warmer state during the winter months, or make the move permanently if your mental and physical health are affected by your environment.
29. Try intermittent fasting.
30. Schedule monthly massages to increase blood flow and relieve stress.
1. Enjoy quiet mornings.
I love waking up early to not only watch the sunrise, but to escape a noisy, bustling house during the weekdays. It feels good to have my thoughts to myself and to have prayer time with no interruptions.
Waking up early is even more impactful when you don’t live alone. Writing and sketching can also serve as relaxation if you suffer from anxiety.
2. Shower or bathe in low lighting to set a tranquil mood to wake up slowly and wind down at night.
3. Stop overthinking.
There are many exchanges and situations that occur throughout the day that aren’t worth dwelling on. When you face an issue, apply the five by five rule and respond accordingly.
4. Opt out of worrying.
No matter what happens, have faith and trust that everything will be okay. Release your anxiety to improve your mental health and well-being.
5. Let go.
We can’t control the outcome of everything. Sometimes, it’s best to let go. Whatever God has for you is greater than anything you can ever imagine, anyway.
6. Protect your peace.
Don’t allow people to unload their emotions off on you. Set boundaries around your accessibility to others.
7. Be present.
We’re all working towards something, but don’t force yourself to run to the finish line. Patiently walk and follow your own path. Embrace patience and be content on the journey. You’ll arrive at your destination in due time.
8. Engage in activities that bring you joy.
9. Smile more.
10. Refrain from fixating on past mistakes.
The only way to move forward is to look ahead, not at what or whom you left behind. Being stuck in the past hinders growth. Focus on the vision before you.

20 good habits for success
1. Stop watching TV and read more instead.
You don’t have to quit cold turkey, but one of the most common habits of successful people is that they don’t watch television often. They are receptacles of knowledge and learning new information. Distractions don’t impede on their ability to focus.
2. Infiltrate spaces with other successful people.
3. Set intentional monthly goals.
4. Take courses each year to improve your skill set.
5. Network in and outside of your professional industry.
Business pivots and career transitions will become more common in the future. It’s good to know a few people from different places. You’ll never know when or where you’ll need an open door to a new opportunity. Incorporate getting to know other career professionals on your list of 100 good habits to develop.
6. Focus on one thing at a time.
7. Do not neglect your health.
8. Reward yourself for your wins.
Yes, even if it’s just checking a task off your list of habits for the day. Celebrate the progress you make toward each of your goals. Putting yourself down will only lead to stress and a lack of productivity.
9. Schedule self care days throughout the month.
10. Meal prep.
Your body needs energy from food. Successful people can get caught in the weeds of their work for hours without taking a break to refuel. Meal planning at the start of the week can prevent this from happening.
11. Say no to burn out.
12. Pivot when needed.
13. Seek mentorship in your respective field.
14. Practice patience.
15. Join a community with like-minded individuals.
16. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want.
17. Believe in yourself.
18. Be a resource to others.
What’s the point of being successful if you’re going to gate keep information and not share the wealth? You should want others around you to win, too. Helping others was one of my personal favorite out of the 100 good habits I formed overtime.
19. Ask for help.
20. Avoid comparison traps.
10 good habits for healthy relationships
1. Use open communication.
I know this is a no-brainer, but shutting down and allowing grievances to fester will only make you and your partner grow further apart. Both parties should practice sharing their feelings when there is a disagreement or they feel unaligned.
2. Make date nights mandatory.
3. Explore and travel the world together.
There’s nothing better than learning new things and experiencing the world with your person. If it’s in the budget, try to travel domestically and internationally a few times a year to create memories together.
4. Keep your relationship private.
5. Work together as a team.
Adhering to roles and responsibilities around the household isn’t out of style just yet. Throw the traditional gender roles out of the window if they don’t apply. Take turns with the house chores, picking the children up from school, and covering bills. We’re in modern times. It’s time to set our own rules.
6. Establish trust first.
7. Don’t ignore red flags.
Address problems head on to avoid a lifetime of regret and heartache, because you refused to go with your gut.
8. Learn your partner’s love languages.
9. Make the relationship with your family, significant other, and friends a top priority.
10. Teach each other new things.
There are additional resources you can use to maintain the 100 good habits you develop. A support system is key, but daily habit trackers can keep you on top of your game.
Download the Daily Routine Planner to get your life in order and start practicing 100 good habits today!
I teach entrepreneurs how to simplify their life and business with less + own their time and maximize productivity towards their personal and monetary goals.
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