Morning routines. Night time routines. Routines! I know you’re probably sick and tired of hearing about them as much as you are following them. But the truth is, daily routines are actually very beneficial for cultivating healthy living habits – even before bed!
Who wants to return home with no plan in place? What’s for dinner? What’s for lunch tomorrow? What will you wear for work?!
The house is in a complete wreck from the morning now you have to take more time to tidy up and clean when you’re exhausted.
Wouldn’t you rather just hop right into your routine without the stress of trying to be in bed before midnight?
Counting how many hours of sleep you’ll get in before hitting the snooze button on your alarm clock in the morning shouldn’t be an every day issue.
This is why having a night time routine is a game changer.
Why is a night time routine important?
Evening routines are just as important as morning routines. Why?
Well, according to experts, following a bedtime routine attributes to 1:
- Refueling the body with energy for higher productivity and improved mental performance
- A healthier, regular sleep schedule that trains the body’s internal clock to fall asleep and wake up easily in the morning
- Eliminates and reduces sleep problems for a quality sleep experience

Much like morning routines, creating a solid yet simple evening routine that works for you will take practice and a little bit of patience.
Slowing down your day the right way will be well worth it in the end.
Relax your body and mind for a good night’s rest by using the following steps to simplify and create a minimalistic night time routine.
Related Post: 5 Morning Habits That Changed My Life

What should you do before bed?
Clear your space: 4pm – 6pm
Clear your work space and write down tasks and priorities for the next day.
Continue to unwind by engaging in 10-15 minutes of physical activity before dinner. Something as simple as a brisk walk around your neighborhood or yoga routine will suffice.
Depending on the weekday, you may have leftovers or can use this time to prepare your final meal of the day.
Lately, I’ve been making a habit of mindful eating2 ; a practice that consists of eating slowly in silence without distraction from the television or phone.
Mindful eating promotes weight loss, reduces binge eating, and allows us to focus on how food makes our body feel.
Clear your mind: 6pm – 8pm
In the evening, try to avoid caffeinated drinks. Fix a hot cup of soothing tea to further unwind after sunset. Stay hydrated with water. You can never have too much.
Take at least an hour to intentionally relax, calm down, and become more mindful.
Light a candle, open a window for some fresh, clean air, or use a diffuser to create a calming aroma with some of your favorite essential oils. Select a quiet activity that will help you to reflect on your day.
Write in a gratitude journal or find a comfy space in your home to meditate in peace.
Both activities can assist with pushing out negative thoughts, creating awareness, and encourage positivity through the recitation of affirmations.

They’re great habits to include in your night time routine especially if you experience trouble with falling asleep.
Sleeping can be difficult if your mind is still engaged or if you’re stressed out. That’s why it’s important to completely declutter your mind before bed.
Related Post: How To Simplify Your Life In Less Than 24 Hours?

Eliminate screen time: 8pm – 10pm
Create and follow a quick self-care routine right before bed. Soak in a hot bath, complete a three step skincare regimen, turn the lights down low, and eliminate noise.
This signals the brain to shut down in order for the body to rest. I’m an advocate of no scrolling before bed. Try to keep your tablet and phone away from your bed or in a different room where they aren’t within reach.
Substitute your favorite Netflix show for an easy read or use the final moments before bed to spend more time with your family.
Keeping your night time routine minimal can help you make a conscious effort to slow down in life overtime.
What is the healthiest bedtime?
Start by going to sleep at the same time every night. Here’s why?!
Experts recommend at least seven to eight hours of rest for the body to fully recharge and restore3.
Therefore, ten o’clock is the healthiest time to fall asleep. Getting in the habit of following simple evening routines will help you fall asleep faster as your body’s internal clock adjusts.

There are several meditation apps and Youtube channels with soft sounds of nature that can lull you to sleep. Listening to audiobooks right before bed is a great option too.
Interested in creating a new system of daily routines? Download a copy of the daily routine printable to help you get started today!

I teach entrepreneurs how to simplify their life and business with less + own their time and maximize productivity towards their personal and monetary goals.
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