Learn how to organize presents under the tree this holiday season so you won’t have to worry about creating an eyesore underneath it.
One thing that can mess up the perfect Christmas tree is too many messy presents that ruin the aesthetic. We all know that Christmas holds a deeper meaning in our hearts and presents aren’t the reason for the season, but a beautifully organized tree can surely be the perfect touch to a festive atmosphere.
Christmas is a time to enjoy family and friends in a warm space that symbolizes harmony, gratitude, and cheer. It ignites a flame within us to spread joy and extend peace to everyone around us.
On Christmas Day, we gather around the tree and exchange gifts with the people we cherish the most in our lives. Many people may think of organizing gifts as an afterthought during this busy time of the year, but there are several reasons not to skip this step entirely.
Some benefits of organizing gifts under the Christmas tree include the aesthetics, accessibility, and uplifting the holiday spirit.
There’s nothing more a child loves the most than a Christmas tree overflowing with gifts underneath. It doesn’t matter if it’s big boxes, small boxes, some with ribbon or extra enormous bows.
As a child, I knew all the gifts underneath the Christmas tree weren’t for me, but my mother allowed us to choose our own gift wrapping to distinguish our presents from the rest.
The different wrapping organized every gift, the largest from the back, and smallest gifts towards the front. A tree skirt that matched the Christmas tree’s decor was a must-have.
This time of year is about so much more than gifts, so one way to fill up your tree is to use empty cardboard boxes. Wrap them up just as you would a gift you planned to exchange with friends and family.
It’ll balance things out and elevate the tree’s decor. There are some people who put up a tree in every room. No one wants a tree with bare bones. You can use the ‘fake gift’ approach with a cozy tree skirt around the stand to add to the aesthetic as well.
There are different ways to organize presents under the tree. I’m sharing seven of my go-to tips that will ensure your house is full of glee this holiday season.

Pick A Theme
Selecting a Christmas decor theme is your first step, but the one thing people never give enough thought to is choosing the wrapping paper. Some people love for their gift wrapping paper to be matchy-matchy while others couldn’t care less.
Remember that you’re creating memories with family, friends, and significant others, so make sure the opportunity to take cute photos is always there.
The tree will probably be the center of every backdrop and photo op, so make it count, goal friends!
A gift wrapping theme creates visual harmony. Consider matching gift wrap colors, ribbons, and tags with your tree decorations.
If you want to venture away from the traditional color scheme of red, green, and gold, a few additional gift wrapping themes you can consider are Winter Wonderland, Luxury Glam, Coastal Christmas, Rustic Farmhouse, or Candyland.
Categorize The Gifts
Categorizing gifts ensures easy organization of presents under the tree. As I mentioned before, separate presents by recipient and size. Try to assign designated areas under the tree for each person in your household.
For example, kids on the right side, adults on the left, and gifts from work or for friends in the front.
Gift distribution can be a bit of a hassle when the presents lack organization. There have been plenty of times where I’ve handed off gifts to the wrong person, which kills the element of surprise.
Don’t let this happen to the ones you adore on Christmas day. Gift tags and labeling are not a thing of the past. They still work! I’m a big fan of gift bags for this very reason, because many of them already come with gift labels on them.
This will make the gift distribution process on Christmas Day so much easier. That way, you can leave the frustration, anxiety, and embarrassment behind.

Arrange By Size and Shape
Now this strategy takes a bit more time, planning, and effort, but it’s still fairly simple. Sometimes, there are gifts that are just way too big to wrap.
You wait until Christmas morning, set up the toy set or bike in front of the Christmas tree, with a big red bow on it that day instead.
For those who enjoy gift wrapping and want to brave the storm of wrapping every oddly shaped gift that you can, this tip is for you.
Place all the larger boxes at the back, then the smaller ones in the front. Camouflage any gifts with sloppy wrapping in the middle and stack similarly shaped gifts to avoid clutter.
Another thing you want to note is the arrangement. There should be an even number of gifts on each side to avoid overcrowding.
No matter the size of your family or how many gifts are under the tree, do your best to ensure that there’s a balance.
Create A Focal Point
If you have limited space or a small tree, you might need a focal point for one or two of your gifts.
This is an excellent technique to use for larger sized gifts or a standout gift like a handmade item that’s more of an eye-catching piece.
Don’t be afraid to use the furniture in the room. Sit the gift in the middle of the coffee table or across the couch. You can even use decorative boxes or bags for those oddly shaped items to enhance visual appeal.

Utilize Gift Baskets and Trays
We all know that Christmas is a huge holiday, likely the most celebrated each year, which means you not only have to distribute gifts to your immediate family but all the extra guests flying in.
Some families have a traditional secret santa or grab bag gift exchange on Christmas Eve. Where on earth will all these gifts go?
Instead of storing them in the basement or throwing them in an oversized bag to risk ripping the gift wrapping paper, make use of a few trays and wire baskets.
Group smaller items in weaved baskets or place them on decorative trays. Baskets add an extra layer of charm and make it easier to manage smaller presents.
Consider Accessibility
You know how Christmas Day goes, especially with littles in the house. It can be quite chaotic as they excitedly push and shove their way under the tree to grab the largest gift they can find.
That’s why it’s important to leave space for easy access to gifts, especially for young children. If there isn’t much room underneath the tree, organize gifts into piles on a nearby chair, couch or table, especially for younger children.
With wrapping paper thrown everywhere and high-traffic areas, the tree needs its own special corner or dedicated space in larger rooms to prevent damage to gifts and delicate tree ornaments.
Add A Personal Touch
One way to make gift giving just a little more special is by adding your own personal touch.
Each year, our family exchanges customized ornaments with one another. It’s been a tradition for years.
You can make your gifts more personable by adding handwritten notes, custom tags off Etsy, or unique ornaments attached to each gift.
You can tape Christmas decor like snowy pine cones, bells, or small greenery onto gifts for a more festive touch as well.

How many presents should be under the tree?
Strive to have at least ten gifts minimum under the tree for a well-balanced look.
Five gifts on each side would be ideal. However, don’t panic, they don’t all have to be actual gifts.
Depending on the size of the tree, ten gifts are more than enough to make your tree look fuller. You’ll just need to make sure they are all different sizes and position them in a way that looks aesthetically pleasing.
How do you arrange gifts under a Christmas tree?
Layer gifts by size using the stacking method. When placing gifts under the tree, start from the back using the larger sized gifts.
Position them by shape and size. For instance, clothing gift boxes come in various sizes. Stack them horizontally, one in front of the other.
Boxes that are square shaped in size may be better to stack vertically.
In addition, you can always take the easier route and arrange gifts under the tree by category, such as gifts for adults, children, in-laws, friends, or coworkers.
It’s never too early to devise a holiday plan that will set you up for success on Christmas Day. Organizing gifts is the easiest part of holiday decor and well worth the effort.
Next year, when you look back at your holiday photos, and all the memories you captured, you’ll be thankful for all the hard work you put into your Christmas decor. Believe me, you won’t regret it.
Stay organized, goal friends, even on Christmas Day!

I teach entrepreneurs how to simplify their life and business with less + own their time and maximize productivity towards their personal and monetary goals.
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