What can you do for fun in college that doesn’t come with a hefty price tag attached? Cheap hobbies for college students are an option many people forget to explore.
Everything costs money nowadays; books, food, housing, student organization and sports activities fees.
I can keep going, but you catch my drift. Where is the relief when you have little to no money to begin with?
Well, most hobbies are free or have very low costs upfront.
Hobbies for college students are activities that students engage in during their free time outside of academic responsibilities.
People typically pursue these activities for relaxation, enjoyment, personal fulfillment, or skill development.
Selecting cheap hobbies for college students can be overwhelming because there are so many to choose from.
Bored in college? There’s no such thing when it’s time for leisure.
And if you don’t have enough time to do anything fun, you need to take a deep dive into your daily routine. There’s likely something off with your productivity.
You should add fun activities to your schedule weekly.
The best approach to selecting hobbies is to determine whether active or creative hobbies are more your speed.
If you have enough free time available in your college schedule, you can do both.

What’s the difference between active and creative hobbies?
Active hobbies focus on physical activity and movement. Some active hobbies include playing sports, fitness classes, swimming, running, hiking, pilates, dancing, or cycling.
Active hobbies improve physical and cardiovascular health, strength, endurance, and mental well-being. They can also help reduce stress and increase energy levels.
Creative hobbies focus more on artistic expression, imagination, and creation.
It’s the optimal choice for many “right-brain thinkers” who want to take a break from text heavy, factual based academic work.
Painting, drawing, writing, playing musical instruments, photography, sewing, knitting, and cooking are popular creative hobbies many people choose from.
Creative hobbies offer a plethora of benefits as well.
They improve creativity, cognitive skills, emotional expression, and problem-solving abilities.
Many people choose creative hobbies because they are therapeutic, provide an outlet for stress, and a way to express various emotions and ideas.
Active hobbies emphasize physical exertion and bodily movement, while creative hobbies center on the use of your imagination and skills to produce something artistic and innovative.
There’s no right or wrong choice. Both types of hobbies are valuable for your personal development, health, and overall well-being.

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Why is leisure important for college students?
Designating time for leisure ensures that you maintain a balanced lifestyle, which is crucial for your personal development and success during your college years and beyond.
Plus, all work and no play leads to burnout. We all know how easy it is to feel burned out as a college student.
There are so many adjustments to make and things to juggle at once.
Sometimes, you feel you’re struggling to keep all the plates spinning in the air at once. Taking frequent breaks is necessary for this very reason.
One of my go-to’s in college was a designated ‘no work day’ every week. With finals and exams, the weekdays I chose rarely remained the same.
Some weekends have to be sacrificed for studying while some days you’re playing catch up because of procrastination (You’re human. Who doesn’t procrastinate from time to time?).
My off days were usually Wednesdays or Fridays. I always looked forward to mid-week breaks after being slammed by my professors, who loved to bury students under assignments all semester long.
Opening up your schedule for hobbies is important for several key reasons:
- Stress Reduction – reduces stress by providing a break from academic pressures
- Improved Mental Health – allows students to relax and unwind, which can prevent burnout and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. Hobbies provide college students with an opportunity to recharge mentally and emotionally
- Enhanced Productivity – taking breaks and engaging in hobbies can improve focus and productivity. When students return to their studies after a break, they are more refreshed and can concentrate better
- Physical Health – hobbies such as sports and outdoor adventures, involve physical movement, which is essential for boosting energy
- Social Connections – hobbies involve socializing with others, which can help students build friendships and support networks. Social connections are important for emotional support and can enhance the college experience
- Skill Development – enables students to develop new skills and interests that their academic curriculum may not cover, potentially benefiting their future careers.
- Balance and Well-being – hobbies help students maintain a healthy work-life balance. A healthy mix of academic responsibilities and enjoyable activities leads to a well-rounded lifestyle
- Creativity and Innovation – creative hobbies can stimulate the mind and lead to innovative thinking. This enhances problem-solving skills and encourages new ways of thinking that you can apply to academic and career challenges

Cheap Hobbies For College Students To Do With No Money
Now that you know what types of hobbies to choose and the benefits of them, it’s imperative that you select hobbies within the confines of your budget.
If you don’t have a budget, that’s completely fine, too.
There’s nothing new about college students being broke.
It’s a tale as old as time. But, maybe you’re the exception to the rule and have extra money to burn. That’s even better.
However, these cheap hobbies for college students will allow you to save a few coins.
Unless they are free, you will not find expensive classes like jiu jitsu, coding, or private violin lessons on this list.
If you’re resourceful or have a large family and friend network, you can surely learn those things for free.
You should spend the extra money you earn from working in college responsibly, not on leisure activities.
That’s why cheap hobbies for college students on a tight budget are such a viable option. Who wouldn’t want to have fun on-campus for free?
Think about the current hobbies you engage in, if any. What aligns more with your character or personal interests?
After a long week of studying, working, and managing multiple assignments, does moving or playing sports you no longer have time for appeal more to you?
Or are you currently on a college sports team and stressed academically, but would like to give your body and brain a rest?
I’ve curated a list of both active and creative hobby ideas you can choose from that won’t break the bank.
You can also choose hobbies based on your mood, personality, personal and professional interests.
Some days you may feel up to a physical activity or brain busters. Other days, you may not want to do much movement or thinking at all.
Select what works best for you.
Remember, these hobbies are budget-friendly. There may be minimal fees upfront for materials or class registration.
But, there is also the option to improvise cheap hobbies. Virtual classes, virtual events, and online resources can circumvent the need to reach into your pockets.
If there’s a gym membership or class you’d like to take that’s on the pricier side, consider using the resources right at your fingertips.
Take an elective class at your university during the summer just for fun, use a neighbor’s gym, or the amenities on-campus for free.
There are resources online for a variety of hobbies that you can download for free. Remember, you don’t have to do multiple hobbies at once.
Try one or two from the list below for at least 6-12 months and try the others you’re interested in later.

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Cheap Hobbies For College Students To Do Alone
- Tambour/Beaded Embroidery
- Diamond Art
- Scrapbooking
- Puzzles
- Poetry for spoken word events
- Coloring
- Reading
- Start an herb garden
- Jewelry Making
- Crocheting
- Building lego sets
- Sketching
- Photography
- Candle making
- Social media content creation
- Videography
- Pottery
- Baking
- Acrylic painting
- Calligraphy
- DIY and handmade crafts
- Meditate
- Knitting
- Sewing
- Upcycling
- Yoga
- Pilates
- Rollerblading
- Surfing
- Ice skating
- Become a gym girlie
- Swimming
- Quilting
- Virtual escape rooms
- Make different coffee recipes
- Build terrariums
- Become a collector of vintage items (garage and estate sales)
- Thrifting
- Learn a foreign language on Duolingo
- Ballet
- Blogging
- Garnishing
- Construction paper art
- Perler Beads
Cheap Hobbies For College Students To Do With Friends
- Pole dancing
- Aerial fitness
- Skiing
- Flag football
- Visit different cafes and coffee shops around town
- Self-tour college campuses
- Pickleball
- Kickball
- Become a youth mentor
- Become a foodie (explore international cuisines)
- Gardening
- Acrylic and gel nails
- Mixology classes
- Fishing
- Cook ethnic foods
- Indoor rock climbing
- Badminton
- Archery
- Chess
- Henna Art
Cheap Hobbies For College Students To Do To Socialize
- Join a run club
- Join student clubs and organizations
- Join a dance team
- Skateboard
- Line dancing
- Salsa dancing
- Join a local sports league
- Attend free events on Eventbrite
- Dinner experiences
- Bumble BFF (download it here!)
- Attend local events through Facebook Groups or Meetup.com
- Join the college band
- Gaming
- Build a community on social media
- Golfing
- Horseback riding

Cheap Hobbies For College Students To Expand Their Life
- Career networking events
- Join Toastmasters
- Attend lectures and workshops
- Go to literary events
- Attend performing arts events
- Engage in philosophical discussions
- Travel or study abroad
- Visit art galleries
- Volunteer at a food pantry or soup kitchen
- Participate in non-fiction book clubs
- Explore historical sites
What is a student hobbies list?
How are you going to dedicate your free time to your hobbies?
Committing to a hobby is much easier said than done.
It’s hard enough finding the time to do hobbies on a weekly basis. Try adding just one to your schedule for the next 30-60 days to make it a habit instead.
With so many other things in life that impede on our time like family, dating, nurturing friendships, going to school, and working part time, I completely understand why people view hobbies as a luxury.
Let’s not forget the distractions that prevent us from engaging in productive hobbies when we find a little wiggle room in our schedule.
Watching Netflix and commenting on social media posts aren’t hobbies.
This is exactly why creating a student hobbies list is important.
Whenever you get bored or have a little extra free time in your dorm room, you can look at the list and pick an activity from it.
A student hobbies list encourages you to allocate time to leisure activities and helps to develop better time management skills by balancing your academic studies with personal interests.
When you’re feeling stressed out or have anxiety, pull out your list of hobbies, goal friends. They’ll offer you the opportunity to unwind and relax, which does wonders for your mental health.
Those days when you spend endless hours sitting in classrooms or at the library, your hobbies list will give you ideas for physical activity that you need.
Trust me, your body will thank you for it!
Hobbies that align with your personal interests and passions bring a sense of joy and satisfaction. Have you ever met an unhappy person who pursued various hobbies in life?
For more help with incorporating hobbies into your daily routine, download the ‘Daily Routine Planner Printable’ today!
If you have a favorite hobby, drop it in the comments!

I teach entrepreneurs how to simplify their life and business with less + own their time and maximize productivity towards their personal and monetary goals.
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