The thirties are some of the best years of a woman’s life.
It’s the perfect time to switch gears and make hitting the ‘dirty thirty’ milestone well worth it. Thirty is a milestone to be celebrated, not feared. If you’re wondering how to glow up mentally and physically in your thirties, then look no further.
I’ve included 5 ways you can glow up mentally and physically over the next 90 days.

Change your perspective
There’s no way you can mature in your thinking without keeping an open-mind. We encounter people from all walks of life. With age comes wisdom, but each of us is in different stages of our emotional, mental, and spiritual journeys.
By thirty, some of us have developed core values, selected religious beliefs, and the cultures and groups that we identify with, while others have not.
This is the age where you can be intentional about shaping your identity and living on purpose.
Who do you want to be as a woman? How would you like to show up in the world? This requires reframing your mindset and ultimately deciding on how you’d like to change.
A change in perspective is inevitable. Learning to accept others as they are and the choices they make will make you all the wiser as you get older.
Elevate your vibration
Sometimes, you need to take an inventory of your environment, what you watch and listen to, and the people who have the most influence in your life.
I recommend a quarterly audit. Journaling can help you assess what needs to stay and who can go.
Keep track of your mood and how you feel after you listen to certain music, TV shows, content creators on social media, or talk with friends.
Do you feel uplifted? Are the conversations stimulating or motivational? Or do you feel drained and discouraged after?
Being aware and sensitive to the low vibrational activity you subject yourself to is important to your glow up as you mature.
“When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.” 1 Corinthians 13:11
What are some daily habits, things, or people that you need to let go of in order to operate on a higher vibration?
Treat your body like a temple
It’s natural for our bodies to change as we age, but we can take control of our weight gain before it gets out of hand.
The older we get, the harder it is to shed the pounds. Everyone knows this, but there are a few things you can do to stay healthy and a comfortable size.
Here are ten ways you can physically glow up in your thirties:
- Follow a skincare regimen
- Plant-based diet
- Fitness routine
- Weight lifting and toning
- Juicing
- Increase water intake
- Take vitamins
- Take a pilates, barre, or yoga class
- Go for walks
- Stretch daily
You don’t have to do everything on this list, but picking at least five to focus on each month is a start.
Setting weight loss goals and changing my diet has been a game-changer.
Remember that losing weight is eighty percent of what we eat and the other twenty is for moving our bodies.
Practicing portion control, eating more fruits and veggies, of course makes an impact, but paying more attention to how you nourish your body will give you the results you want to see.
Glowing skin. Better gut health. A fit physique.

Put your needs first
Society has conditioned women to put the needs of their family, friends, children and spouses first.
It’s one reason women make up a large percentage of staff in industries, such as nursing, education, and social work.
We’re nurturers by nature, true, but we don’t have to identify with it the rest of our lives.
They tell young women it’s okay to be selfish in their twenties, but why not in their thirties, too?
Boundaries have to be set at some point. Age shouldn’t prohibit you from taking care of yourself and engaging in self-preservation.
Self-sacrificing isn’t healthy. Even as mothers and wives, reserve time just for you no matter what age. You don’t give up the ability to engage in self-care or set healthy boundaries with family and friends at thirty.
Pursue opportunities that will yield the best results for your life. Whether it’s better pay, a work-life balance, or the ability to work on your own time.
Women aren’t here to save the planet and everyone on it. Bringing new life into the world and simply existing isn’t our calling.
Women have passions and dreams to pursue, just like anyone else.
Plan for retirement
Don’t wait until your 40s and 50s to get serious about investing or creating a nest egg for the latter half of your life.
Some financial preparation is better than none. Don’t wait until the tenth hour goal friends!
Set goals and set your older self up for success. You should think about her now.
How do you want to live in your sixties? What financial support will you have?
These are questions women need to be asking themselves today.
A Roth IRA, 401k, stock portfolio, and rental properties are the basics of retirement strategies and the beginnings of wealth generation.
Money is a resource that affects your ability to glow up mentally and physically decades from now.
7 things you can do now to prepare for retirement:
- Take courses to learn about investing
- Upskill in your industry
- Save monthly and invest weekly
- Buy land
- Invest in long term and short-term rentals
- Start a business
- Select a passive income stream
One last thing you can do to prepare for retirement is upgrade your social circle.
You won’t go far alone, but you won’t go far with the wrong company either.
If you want to start a business, associate with business owners.
If you want to own property, hang out in real estate investor spaces.
If you want to learn a new skill, go to a mastermind in that industry.
You can even find a business bestie who will hold you accountable and partner with you.
What is a mental glow up?
A mental glow up is elevating your consciousness to a higher level. This can happen in a myriad of ways; intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually.
It’s reframing your mindset to think positively, critically, and to make wiser, informed decisions.
A mental glow up also means not allowing others to think for you and not to be dissuaded from your beliefs or stance on certain issues and values.
When you glow up mentally, you no longer take things at face value. You’re more concerned with context, who’s delivering the advice or message, and what their motives and intentions may be.
There’s another element of the mental glow up that involves a transcendence from negativity. You’re no longer willing to risk your sanity and peace by going into environments that will cause you to lower your morals or standards.
Mental glow ups compel you to seek enriching environments, stimulating conversations, and encounters with people who are on a similar wavelength as you.
How do I change myself to glow up?

Assess what you need to change first.
Write a 2-column list of pros and cons describing your personality, physical appearance, and mindset.
What areas can you improve in or need little to no change?
Glowing up mentally and physically doesn’t mean you have to change your entire identity. It’s about selecting the areas of your life that need more attention and care.
If you’re not great at sustaining or building relationships with others, then there may be an aspect of your personality that you need to change.
How friendly or supportive are you to others?
Do you pass judgment on the choices of close friends and family members?
Are you a giver or a reliable resource to others when they are in need?
Select an area of life to reflect upon and complete a self-assessment.
Are you aware of the things you need to change? If not, ask someone who knows you personally. Feedback from others is helpful, because they can target your blind spots.
Gathering input from friends, relatives, significant others, regularly will allow you to recalibrate on what you need to improve more often.
Last, but not least, build your confidence. We’re all insecure about something, but that doesn’t mean we have to show it. Be comfortable with the skin you’re in, flaws and all.
Own your mistakes and shortcomings, but walk with your head held high while doing what you need to course correct and improve.
Is it too late to have a glow up?
There’s no age limit to glowing up. People in their sixties and seventies are opening up businesses or gaining recognition for work they put in years ago.
Life doesn’t end once you reach a particular age. It’s all about timing and when you decide to change.
Whether you’re in your twenties, thirties, or forty and up, what matters is that you acknowledged a problem and are doing what you can to change it.
Another common issue is that some people don’t know how to glow up mentally and physically as they get older.
Imagine being stuck around the same people and environments that you grew up in, all while allowing poor lifestyle habits to take a toll on your mind and physical appearance.
Unfortunately, this happens more often than not. It’s not a conducive environment for growth.
There’s also the proximity effect that comes into play. The type of people you surround yourself with are who you are most likely to become. Research has proven that proximity affects access to social circles, resources, and knowledge.
Your network is your net worth couldn’t be a truer statement.
The reason some people go to college, pursue certain professions, join organizations, and marry into wealthy families is for the opportunity to glow up financially and intellectually.
While this strategy may work for some, it may not work for others. Will you attract a higher caliber of people to befriend with this method? Maybe, but that doesn’t mean their character or personalities are without flaws.
A part of learning how to glow up mentally and physically is being more selective about the people you socialize with and activities you engage in.
Some people learn from experience earlier or later on in life. Age doesn’t matter as long as you commit to changing.

How do you know when your glow up is coming?
Life isn’t perfect.
A glow up doesn’t arrive after you’ve got all your ducks lined in a row.
You can have all the achievements under your belt; a distinguished career, physically fit, loving friends and family, yet still need personal growth.
A glow up begins when you identify a problem you’d like to solve.
Reflecting on who you are as a person on a regular basis will assist with this.
Start or end your day with journaling. It’s a great way to think about your daily interactions with others.
A huge part of growth will stem from the feedback we receive from the environments we’re in at home and at work.
- How do you respond to stress?
- Are your weekdays structured or disorganized and hectic?
- Are you a people pleaser?
- Do you possess healthy eating habits?
- Are you financially stable?
The opportunities to grow should be endless.
If you ever felt stagnant in your career or relationship, then your natural instincts will trigger you to do something different.
Maybe you need to make a career change or move to the next stage of a committed relationship.
“Never live the same year twice” is a quote I live by until this very day.
Change doesn’t have to be drastic or happen over night.
Keep things simple; pick up a new hobby, learn a new skill, or move to a different area in your town.
Learning how to glow up mentally and physically usually stems from experience or encouragement from others to live up to our full potential.
Progression is a good thing. When you feel moved to change is when a glow up is right around the corner.
Are you ready to live a slower, prosperous life? Then learn how to glow up mentally and physically with the 31-day slow living challenge. Download the 31 Day Simple Living Challenge to improve your life today! Now available in the FREE RESOURCE LIBRARY!
I teach entrepreneurs how to simplify their life and business with less + own their time and maximize productivity towards their personal and monetary goals.
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