Are you tired of feeling stuck in a cycle of procrastination, mess, and unfulfilled goals?
It’s time to leave your lazy girl era behind and step into your productive girl era with daily habits that transform your mindset and routine.

How To Stop Being Lazy?
The first thing you need to do is commit yourself to your goals. Whether you want to focus on self care, your mental health, physical fitness, detoxing from social media or reading more, you have to be determined to stick to your goals no matter what.
In order to escape your lazy girl era, you must reevaluate your circle. If you are constantly around people with no goals and no direction, and they are perfectly content with letting the day get away, then there’s a chance that you’ll likely be lazy too.
Have you heard of the adage: “Tell Me Who You Hang Around With, And I’ll Tell You Who You’ll Become.” I hate to break it to you, goal friends, but it’s true. High achievers will motivate you to become one, too.
Lazy people are allergic to success. You won’t find them around the go-getters or business owners. Anything that requires a certain amount of hard work and dedication repulses them.
Don’t get me wrong. This doesn’t mean that they are bad people or unworthy of respect. There’s a place in this world for all of us.
Never judge someone because they aren’t as ambitious or have the same amount of lofty goals as you.
Sometimes, those friends and family members who are content and happy where they are in life can be some of your biggest supporters.
They won’t always dissuade you from your dreams, you might just feel less motivated around them. Therefore, it’s best to remain balanced with the type of company you keep.
Hang around people you feel inspired by, but also make time for people you can relax and let your hair down, and simply enjoy life with.
Talking about goals and accomplishments can easily suck the fun out of life. Always remember that it’s the small things that matter most.
Finally, remember to take accountability for your decisions or procrastination towards achieving your dreams.
It’s so much easier to point the finger and place blame on others when we aren’t where we want to be in life.
Some people have an excuse for everything. It’s so and so’s fault. Your parents did not raise you correctly. Favoritism prevented you from getting the promotion or job you applied for. You aren’t in a healthy relationship because of your appearance. You can’t lose weight because your friends are always going out to eat.
Subconsciously, we tell ourselves these things because it makes us feel better rather than facing the truth. Self-discipline is the key to getting out of a rut and leaving your lazy girl era behind for good.
Maybe you want to wake up earlier to have more time during the day. Well, you’ll have to stop staying up late binge watching shows and get in more hours of sleep to make it a habit.
Laziness is a choice when you think about it. We aren’t born that way. Sure, some people are naturally unambitious and others aren’t easy to motivate. But the choice to be lazy is ultimately up to you.
The best way to exit your lazy girl era is to envision what you want out of life and what it will take for you to get it.
- Does it require more focus time?
- Does it require a healthier diet?
- Does it require additional hours of overtime?
- Does it require you to quit some bad habits?
- Will you need to make more sacrifices?
Creating a vision board of the person you’d like to become is a great way to start. Become your own muse.
Keep reading to discover eight practical ways you can exit your lazy girl era in the next 24-hours.

8 Ways To Exit Your Lazy Girl Era
Clutter Free Environment
I know I’m not the only one who can’t think straight without a clean space. Tidying up around your home or office space at work will motivate you to do more. An empty desk will clear your mind.
When your work space gets a little messy, it can distract and cause you to complete fewer tasks than usual. An unmade bed, clothes, and dirty dishes all over the room won’t help either.
Making sure that you clean up the night before will do wonders in the morning to motivate you to take control of your day.
A clutter-free environment helps with structuring your day by sticking to a daily routine without worrying about cleaning or wasting time on things you don’t want to do.
How refreshing does it feel to wake up every morning with a clean slate? A tidy bedroom, workspace, and clean kitchen will always go a long way.
Fuel Your Body
Sugar, fatty foods, and too much caffeine will keep you in a slump.
What you eat the day before counts too. Eating out daily will often make you feel sluggish. I know prepping your food doesn’t sound exciting and requires you to set aside time throughout the day.
But trust me when I say this – it’s worth it. A smoothie bowl, fresh fruit, salads, and high-protein foods like chicken and salmon will always be better food options. They provide you with the energy you need to take hold of your life and conquer the day.
And most importantly, there’s water. Drink at least eight glasses a day and see how much of a difference it makes! Your body and skin will thank you.

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Practice Self Care (even when you don’t feel like it)
It’s much easier, and seemingly less stressful, to prioritize yourself. That sounds crazy saying that out loud, doesn’t it?
As women, we often put the needs of others before our own. When you’re a mom, a teacher, a wife, or caretaker, you’re too busy worrying about everyone else and making sure they are okay while neglecting your own health and happiness.
When was the last time you did something solely for yourself?
It’s important to take a step back and nurture your soul – even if it’s something small. Taking the afternoon to visit a cute cafe to read or work on a passion project, catnapping in the middle of the day, or watching the sunset at a local park are all simple things you can do without restriction.
Sometimes, those are the best forms of self-care.
You shouldn’t spend lots of money or a large amount of time on self-care, but you should incorporate it into your weekly routines.
Solo date nights, reading every day, putting on makeup and a cute outfit, or picking flowers all fall under the umbrella of self care. Think about what brings a genuine smile to your face and do it. A clean, dewy face, a cute hairstyle, and a brand-new outfit will also surprise you with how much they boost your self-esteem.
Stop The Scroll
If you don’t know by now that technology can serve as a major time suck, you need to take a trip back down to Planet Earth.
According to Harmony Healthcare, both adults and teens spend an average of five hours per day on their phones. And that’s only on average. I’m sure we all know people who spend way more time than that doom scrolling. It’s like the lazy girl era’s rite of passage.
Just think, we all complain about not having enough time in the day, all while using upwards of five hours being entertained or distracted by a small device that sits in the palm of our hands.
Getting out of your lazy girl era will require you to starve your distractions.
It may be one of the hardest bad habits you have to let go of, but it’s not that bad if you replace the scrolling with something else.
Something more productive that may or may not yield a reward physically or intellectually.

Cultivate Self Discipline With Small Daily Wins
I remember beating myself down anytime I couldn’t clear 2-3 important tasks off of my list for the day.
Not showing myself enough grace made me feel defeated, lazy, and incapable of being successful. Now I remind myself that ‘tomorrow is another day’.
I even motivate myself by celebrating small wins throughout the week.
No matter how much we schedule things or plan out our days, we can’t dictate what it will bring. Things happen beyond our control, so it’s best to do what you can instead of not doing anything at all.
Writing a page full of things you need to get done regularly with no end in sight can also be counterproductive.
I don’t know about you, but a never ending list of to-do’s can be overwhelming.
Who wants to be superwoman every single day? I know I don’t.
That’s a quick way to burn out, and sorry goal friends, I’ve been there, done that.
I want no parts. Baby steps are the way to go. You can cultivate self-discipline and work up a muscle to remain consistent in reaching your weekly goals by celebrating the minor accomplishments.
Dusting off your desk at home and completing an online class are both wins. Try looking at life through a different lens until you’re disciplined enough to knock your weekly goals out of the park.
Track Your Goals
Put an end date on your goals. A deadline that’s realistic and will challenge you to put in the work to meet it will always motivate you to get it done.
Track the goals you’re working towards and never add too many goals to a full plate.
It’s better to set monthly goals because you have a reasonable amount of days to make progress towards them. You don’t need new goals every week. Accomplish 3-4 goals first before moving on to something else.
Fitness and educational goals may take time to accomplish, but as long as you’re progressing towards the finish line is all that matters.

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Romanticize Productivity And Learn To Enjoy It
Romanticize productivity? I know what you’re thinking – Who the heck does that? And how will this help me get out of my lazy girl era?
But hear me out. Like many others, I can’t get my day started without something in my system. Even though I’m well rested in the morning, I need some type of beverage or food for energy.
Rather than grabbing a cup of orange juice, come up with a signature beverage of choice. For some, it’s a matcha, cold brew, or hot cup of tea.
Next thing you need to do is create the scene, an ambiance that puts you in the headspace to focus.
Put on some lofi beats, soft jazz, or classical music. Light some incense, a candle, or add citrus essential oils to a diffuser for a pleasant aroma that will open up your senses.
Get a slow start by taking fifteen minutes to stretch, meditate, journal or fold laundry to wake up your body.
Make your workspace aesthetically pleasing and not an eye-sore. Your desk at work or home office should be a place you enjoy staying for most of your day. It should motivate you to keep going, not loll you to sleep.
Your lazy girl era served its purpose, goal friends, but now it’s time to level up! By implementing small, daily habits, you’ll build momentum toward your dream life (one productive day at a time!).
What’s the first habit you’ll start today? Drop it in the comments.

I teach entrepreneurs how to simplify their life and business with less + own their time and maximize productivity towards their personal and monetary goals.
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